
Change esn qxdm
Change esn qxdm

change esn qxdm

I have done so much research on this topic and nobody has seem to run into this. Basically the diag mode is not communicating correctly anymore.ĥ, EDL/MiFlash tool flashing, (YES, with an authorized account), including persist partition (modified crclist.txt and etc), NO GOOD Rebooted the phone, and now mobile network and wifi disconnectes every 5 seconds.ġ, Reconnect QPST and QXDM, now QPST doesn't read phone's ESN number, and QXDM is saying that i can read/write to any NV items. In QXDM's NV browers, i put " 17592185995263" in both lines in NV item 06828 LTE_BC_CONFIG without backing up the original value (BAD DECISION, DON'T DO IT!) I have root with Magisk, used "adb shell / su / setprop diag,adb" to enable diag port. I was trying to unlock LTE bands on EEA mi 9t (BAD DECISION, DON'T DO IT!) following any of those tutorials and i broke:

Change esn qxdm